We ship within two business days after your order is placed. If you have a special request - please note it during the check-out process.
We generally ship orders via USPS. Shipping charges will calculate automatically in your shopping cart, and are based on current, published USPS rates. Check http://www.usps.com/ for the latest rates.
Larger orders may be shipped at UPS or Fed-ex at our discretion.
Shipping is FREE on domestic purchases of $75 or more!
Shipping charges to these countries will calculate automatically in your shopping cart, and are based on current, published USPS rates. Check http://www.usps.com/ for the latest rates.
Please be aware that international orders can take 2-4 weeks to be delivered, and tracking is not available except on Express International.
Wooden Spools is not responsible for any duty or charges incurred at the destination country.
Residents of Colorado will be charged the appropriate county/city sales tax of the Ship To address and calculated on the total of the order including. Residents of all other states are responsible for paying any applicable local sales tax.